Multistage Ring Section Pump


Optional Features

Mounting: Centreline/ Vertical Multi-outlet design Balance valve design for axial thrust Bush Bearing/ Roller Bearing

Material of Construction

Cast Iron, Bronze, Ductile Iron Cast Steel, Ni Resist, Stainless Steel, Duplex Stainless Steel & special alloys


Mine dewatering Descaling in Steel mills Boiler Feed application Reverse Osmosis for Desalination Plants Water Supply/ General Industry Fire fighting

Prime Movers

Electric Motors Diesel Engines Steam Turbine

Design Features

Mounting: Horizontal Stages: 3 to 15 Radial Flow Impellers with vane diffusers Mechanical Seal/ Gland Packing Grease lubricated antifriction Bearings
Flow Upto Head up to Temperature up to DN
1000 m3/hr 1800 m*
32 – 250*